Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Learned Helplessness

Author Paulo Coelho talks in his Blog about the issue of "Learned Helplessness," which seems a very fascinating subject.

For example, a person should be able to quit an abusive relationship or a stressful job, but a psychological condition known as Learned Helplessness may cause a person to feel totally powerless to change these circumstances.

The elderly may also express Learned Helplessness as they age and become passive towards life's circumstances, such as aging and illness.

This condition seems also very apparent when expressed by youth who are unable to cope with life and become unresponsive to their circumstances. For example, gang members, or those in extreme poverty who do nothing to overcome their life's circumstance, and instead accept it to their detriment. It is a very sad condition indeed, and it makes me pause, and become more compassionate towards individuals going through these challenges.

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